斗破苍穹里番,亚洲最大acg游戏领域门户网站_RX 7000显卡翻身 新闻称AMD有100%信心击败NVIDIA

除了5nm Zen4架构的锐龙7000系列处置器,AMD今年另有一个重磅产物——RX 7000显卡,使用RDNA3架构,5nm及6nm工艺都市有,大焦点Navi31会上双芯封装,集成多达7颗小芯片。 从某种角度来说,AMD的显卡更值得A饭期待,由于已往几年中,AMD虽然使用了先进的7nm工艺,但在显卡竞争上依然敌不外NVIDIA,7nm RDNA架构的RX 5000系列性能也干不外12nm的RTX 20系列,RX 6000的RDNA2架构号称提升了50%能效,效果照样输给8nm工艺的RTX 30系列。 今年NVIDIA也要上台积电的5nm甚至4nm工艺了,AMD这边也就同样的工艺水平,新一代的RDNA3不拿出点...
日期: 栏目:二次世界 阅读:26

色宴福利导航,日本弹幕网站niconico_【合集】[MagicStar] 独活女子的推荐 第二季 / ソロ活女子のススメ Season2 [WEBDL] [720p] [PARAVI]【生】

HD 720p from Paravi.Notice: Paravi’s 1080p source basically no longer exists, we will focus on 720p in the future.Of course, it also includes the 1080p obtained before the source stream was changed, but not much.If someone tells you he can handle 1080p on the new series, it’s definitely by recording.注重:Paravi的1080p源...
日期: 栏目:二次世界 阅读:42

[MagicStar] 村井之恋 / 村井の恋 EP01 [WEBDL] [720p] [PARAVI]【生】_绅士acg论坛,日本动漫acg资源站免费同人

HD 720p from Paravi. Notice: Paravi’s 1080p source basically no longer exists, we will focus on 720p in the future. Of course, it also includes the 1080p obtained before the source stream was changed, but not much. If someone tells you he can handle 1080p on the new series, it’s definitely by recording. 注重:Paravi的1...
日期: 栏目:二次世界 阅读:29